Digital cultural Mapping
During the Summer of 2012 I was selected for a National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities, held on the UCLA campus. Digital Cultural Mapping: Transformative Scholarship and Teaching in the Geospatial Humanities was organized by Todd Presner and included extensive interaction with DH/GIS practitioners such as Yoh Kawano and Dave Shepard.
Todd shows us historic maps of Berlin in Hypercities
Yoh talks about GIS
UCLA's committment to digital cultural mapping
Learning about all the ways that UCLA staff participate in digital cultural mapping was inspiring -- GIS staff and professors alike were active in sites as disparate as post-Tōhoku earthquake Japan and the ancient Near East.
Dave Shepard on mapping Holocaust narrative
Export to Earth Gephi Plugin
A particularly cool outcome of the workshop was Dave Shepard's Export to Earth plugin for the network analysis tool Gephi. Export to Earth lets you build an list of nodes in Gephi with latitudes and longitudes, and then visualize the interconnections in the Google Earth program.